Wednesday 19 October 2016


System software consists of the programs that control or maintain the operations of the computer and its devices

There are two types of system software :-
  • ·       Operating system - An operating system (OS) is a set of programs containing instructions that work together to coordinate all the activities among computer hardware resources.
  •     Utility program –

The process of starting or restarting a computer is called booting. There are two methods of booting :-

  • ·   Cold boot – turning on computer that has been power off completely.
  •      Warm boot – using the operating system to restart computer

How an operating system handles programs diresctly affect your productivity –

  • ·       Single user and multiuser
  • ·       Single tasking and multi tasking
  • ·       Foreground and back ground
  • ·       Preemptive multitasking
  • ·       Multi processing

An embedded operating system resides on a ROM chip on a mobile device or consumer electronic device.

A utility program is a type of system software that allows a user to perform maintenance-type tasks.

A file manager is a utility that performs functions related to file management –

  • ·       Displaying a list of files
  • ·       Organizing files in folders
  • ·       Copying, renaming, deleting, moving, and sorting files and folders
  • ·       Creating shortcuts. 

A search utility is a program that attempts to locate a file on your computer based on criteria you specify.

An image viewer allows users to display, copy, and print the contents of a graphics file.

An uninstaller removes a program, as well as any associated entries in the system files.

A disk defragmenter reorganizes the files and unused space on a computer’s hard disk so that the operating system accesses data more quickly and programs run faster.

A backup utility allows users to copy files to another storage medium.

A restore utility reverses the process and returns backed up files to their original form.

A screen saver causes a display device’s screen to show a moving image or blank screen if no activity occurs for a specified time.

A personal firewall detects and protects a personal computer from unauthorized intrusions.

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